Get Tickets to Maker Faire Today!

 We will be in FIESTA HALL- FIRST Robotics Zone 3 [in side room labeled Wing A /  has “1b” circle on this MAP]

2015 Maker Faire Bay Area

Seeking 2014 FLL teams to come and talk about their FLL World Class project and possibly demo their robot.

NorCal FTC will be holding an off season FTCquel competition throughout the weekend
and WRRF is coordinating FRC teams coming 


    Team Sign up 
    Donate to help with costs to attend 

    Adult Volunteer sign up  (volunteers get a free day pass for that day)


      Where:   Maker Faire, San Mateo Fairgrounds,  FIESTA HALL   

      When:  Friday 5/15 1-5pm,  Saturday 5/16 or Sunday 5/17

      How Much:  We have to pay for tables & electricity.  Need a bit of help – so asking each team to help by donating $20.  

      What:  Demo of the 2014 FLL World Class project and robot   [we will have power, a table for you to use for your project and the FLL Challenge table setup]

      Why:   ‘Cause Maker Faire is amazing fun and we want to be a part of that fun!

      What is included?   In exchange for spending ~ 4 hours talking about FLL, answering questions about FLL and demo’ing robot and talking about the team’s project,  team members including 1 supervising adult will be given a day pass for Maker Faire.  Parking is not included.  


    Here are the time slots that are needed: