Northern California FLL Tournaments, like all FIRST events, are free to attend and Open to the public to watch.   

2015 NorCal FLL District Championship Tournaments

Volunteers Needed: 
Volunteer Roles & Sign up via FIRST VIMS!
Volunteer Policy – judges and referees must be independent (ie unaffiliated) of any FLL Team

Volunteers needed from ~7am to ~7pm

FIRST® LEGO® League (FLL) is an international program, created by FIRST and LEGO, designed to get children interested in and excited about science, technology and engineering.   Every year, FIRST releases a new challenge that engages the teams in hands-on robotics design and scientific research.

The theme for the challenge is different each year, allowing teams to learn about a variety of subjects. Participants, ages 9-14, form small teams of up to 10 members.    Teams can form from any group: school, scouts, religious organizations, home school groups or even groups of friends.    

After the challenge has been released in late August, teams have a limited amount of time to design, program and build their robot, and prepare an in-depth research presentation related to the challenge theme. The LEGO Mindstorms robotics kit is used to build a robot capable of completing tasks autonomously on the playing field.  Team members can use any LEGO parts to build the robot.

Each team’s hard work culminates in one day, high-energy, sports-like tournaments.  During the tournaments, teams have at least 3 rounds on the competition tables to get the best score possible.   When not competing with their robots, teams will meet privately and quietly with a panel of judges to give their project  presentations, are interviewed about the technical design of their robots, and also evaluate how they work as teams.

The winner of the Champion’s Award at a qualifier, the FLL most prestigious award, will be invited to participate in the District Championship.   Champion’s Award winners at a District Championship may be able to participate in a variety of  tournament opportunities on an invitational basis.

A goal of the FLL program is to show that science and engineering can be exciting and fun by providing a spectator-friendly environment that has the feel of a sporting event combined with a rock concert!    Learn more about FIRST, the FLL program,   NorCal FLL program,  what is the annual challenge and this year’s 2015 Trash Trek Challenge details  

If you do plan to attend, we recommend coming in time for the Opening Ceremony and then spending some time  visiting the pit areas and asking teams about their project and their LEGO robot and then watching the robot game rounds. Tournament Schedules

Our teams and tournament volunteers are friendly and will be happy to answer your questions!