We hope this message finds you and your family healthy and safe.  Playing At Learning has been working behind the scenes to prepare for our upcoming FIRST Season – we are working through different scenarios and strategies – all with keeping health and safety at the forefront.

Some of you may have noticed that FIRST LEGO League will have a new name starting this next season. Beginning in the fall, we will be known as FIRST LEGO League Challenge. Rest assured that this rebranding is simply a name change. Nothing else about the program you know and love has changed. Age ranges and program components will remain the same. The FLL Challenge program will continue to serve children ages 9 to 14. You can learn more about FIRST LEGO League programs here: https://www.firstinspires.org/robotics/fll. If you have further questions regarding the rebranding, please email them to  fll@playingatlearning.org.  Please join our google announce group to stay informed, and we look forward to seeing you all for the RePLAY season.