NorCal is not accepting additional teams to submit pre-reqs.  
In order to register into a tournament in NorCal, your team must have submitted at least one of the 2 pre-reqs by the deadline of 10am on October 17th.

Wait List Information


Your team status must show  one of these 3 “states”  by the deadline in order registere into a tournament slot in NorCal this season :



1. Eligible to Register = Yes.  


This means that your team can register into a QT and should NOW. Click Green Box on front page of



2.Eligible to Register
= Fix Needed


This means that you need to look at the Explanation line and fix the issue(s) outlined  – Deadline to fix is Tuesday 10/20 ! . This article may help explain some of the most common issues 


3.Eligible to Register
= Manual Review in Progress


This means that we have not yet looked at what you submitted.  It does take time to go through and check  hoping to get through all teams by the end of the day October 17th. This article may help with letting you know where I am in the list.   If you have any issues to fix,  the deadline to fix will be Tuesday 10/20.


4.Eligible to Register
= No 
and either
Payment Received OR Team Details Received must be YES


This means that you need to complete the other pre-req NOW.   If you don’t complete both of your pre-reqs by Tuesday October 20th,  we will assume that your team is not going to compete.   


Explanation / Overview of NorCal Registration Process